US$60.00 US$25.00


Medium sized BDSM room, the room has a nice dark wall texture, complimented by a matching dark floor tile style.
This room features:

  • A cage with one pose (M/F)
  • Ceiling chains with one pose (M/F)
  • A punishment bench with one pose (M/F)
  • A suspended bed with one pose (M/F)
  • BDSM cross with one licking pose and vibrator action.

Fully mobile and pc compatible,no installation required, there is a five minute timer for the room to get activated.


- Bdsm Room 3 quantity +




Notice:This item can be used on mobile but we do not respond from any glitches,as we do not work for imvu,and have no direct input in your phone's compatibility with the imvu mobile client.

we are not aviliated with imvu but we supply imvu adult members for long time already succesfully with amazing adult items around the world .

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